Command to Run VCS-Verdi

Command to Run VCS-Verdi

While running the VCS command, enable a new switch -kdb (Knowledge Database) to enable Verdi GUI.

Before running the simulation and view waveforms, user need to create *.fsdb file. This file contains the simulation data in it. This is created using system task $fsdbDumpvars(); in the testbench. Then follow below steps:

Step – 1: Command to run VCS:

For Verilog:

vcs -full64 <file_name>.v -debug_access+all -lca -kdb; ./simv -Verdi

               For System Verilog:

                              vcs -full64 <file_name>.sv -sverilog -debug_access+all -lca -kdb; ./simv -Verdi

               After above command, a KDB elaboration directory (simv.daidir) should be generated with message mentioned in below snippet:

Step – 2: Command to run Verdi:

               Run below command to open Verdi tool GUI:

                              Verdi -ssf novas.fsdb -nologo

               After above command, GUI will be open and now user can analyze the waveforms.

Please refer below videos for more details:

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